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Backend Properties

The basic structure for a molecule entry in the D3TaLES database is described in the Data Structure section. As noted there, the backend database centers around individual raw data entries. Therefore, a data entry may be in one of the following data collections: computation, experimentation, ml, nlp, and backend_synthesis.


To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id A unique identifier for the data hashed from identifying properties string
mol_id A unique identifier for the molecule string
submission_info Information about who submitted the data and how object
calculation_type Type of calculation file opt_cation, neutral_cation, etc. string
runtime The job runtime in core hours number
data Data extracted from raw file object

Molecular DFT

The structural and electronic information derived from molecular DFT calculations on a molecule entry in database.

Read more about conditions here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
conditions Parameters used for calculations object
charge Electronic charge on the molecule number
spin_multiplicity Spin multiplicity of the molecule integer
is_groundState Whether the calculation charge is the ground state charge boolean
number_of_electrons Number of electrons in the molecule integer
omega Omega value derived from omega tuning process number
geometry Description of a molecule geometry object
scf_dipole_moment The X, Y, and Z dipole components of electric dipole moment. Units: Debye object
scf_total_energy Total energy calculated using the self-consistent field method. Units: eV object
homo Highest occupied molecular orbital. Units: eV object
homo_1 Second highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO-1). Units: eV object
lumo Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital. Units: eV object
lumo_1 Second lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO+1). Units: eV object
gibbs_correction Gibbs entropy correction. Units: eV object
radical_buried_vol Buried volume at the maximum fractional spin. Units: A^3 object
radical_spin The fractional spin positioned on the radial. Units: % as decimal object
radical_stability_score Score for radical stability from Chem. Sci., 2021, 12, 13158–13166 object
frequency_dict A list for each freq calculation and for each mode of a dict with {“frequency”: freq in cm-1, “symmetry”: symmetry tag “r_mass”: Reduce mass, “f_constant”: force constant, “IR_intensity”: IR Intensity, “mode”: normal mode}. The normal mode is a 1D vector of dx, dy dz of each atom. array
excitations TD-DFT excited states such as single, triplet, adiabatic, etc. Returns a list of tuple for each transition such as [(energy (eV), lambda (nm), oscillatory strength), … ] object
singlet_plotting Dictionary for plotting singlet spectra object

Periodic DFT

The structural and electronic information derived from periodic DFT calculations on a system using molecule instance(s) in the database.

Read more about conditions here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
conditions Parameters used for calculations object
task_name Description of the system studied and the type of calculation performed. string
adsorbate Atom or molecule adsorbing to the surface. object
bulk The bulk material used to generate the slab. object
slab The surface on which the molecule adsorbs. object
slab_adsorbate The slab + adsorbate system. object
cleavage_energy The energy required to cleave the surface along a specific plane. Units: eV number
nearest_surface_neighbors The atoms closest to a specific atom in the slab. object
adsorption_site The site over which the adsorbate is positioned. object
adsorption_energy The change in energy associated with adsorption. Energy(slab + adsorbate) - energy (slab) - energy (adsorbate). Units: eV number
electronic_descriptors Properties related to electronic band structure calculations. object
charge_analysis Changes in bader and DDEC6 charges as a result of adsorption. object

Molecular Dynamics (under development)

The structural and electronic information derived from molecular dynamics (MD) calculations on a system using molecule instance(s) in the database.

Read more about conditions here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
conditions Parameters used for calculations object
viscosity Viscosity. Units: object
diffusivity Diffusivity. Units: object


To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id A unique identifier for the data string
mol_id A unique identifier for the molecule string
submission_info Information about who/when submitted the data object
experiment_type Type of experiment run string
data Data extracted from raw file object

Cyclic Voltammetry

CV data extracted from a datafile produced during a CV experiment on a molecule entry in database.

Read more about conditions here.

Read more about instrument properteis here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
file_name Name of file uploaded string
header CV file header string
note CV file description string
date_recorded Date and time CV data was collected string
conditions CV conditions object
data_points_per_scan Number of data points per scan number
initial_p_n string
segment Number of forward or backward segments integer
sample_interval Sample potential interval (V) object
peak_potential Highest potential reached object
quiet_time Quiet time in seconds object
sensitivity Sensitivity in (A/V) object
scan_data List of scans array
middle_sweep Middle sweep list array
forward Data points from forward scan array
reverse Data points from reverse scan array
reversibility List of reversibility categorizations for peaks array
e_half List of E 1/2 for peaks array
peak_splittings List of peak splittings for peaks array
plot_data Data points from reverse scan array

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR)

IR data extracted from a datafile produced during a IR experiment on a molecule entry in database.

Read more about conditions here.

Read more about instrument properteis here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
file_name Name of file uploaded string
header IR file header string
note IR file description string
data_recorded Date and time IR data was collected string
conditions IR conditions object
wavelength_range range of wavelength in nm object
window Window used in IR object
optical_velocity The speed of the moving mirror. Units: cm/s object
aperture Type of apeture used in IR object
gain Description of the instrument's gain (sensitivity) string
scan_data Data points gather from IR scan array

UV-Vis Spectroscopy (UV-Vis)

UV-Vis data extracted from a datafile produced during a UV-Vis experiment on a molecule entry in database.

Read more about conditions here.

Read more about instrument properteis here.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
file_name Name of file uploaded string
header UV Vis file header string
note UV Vis file description string
data_recorded Date and time UV Vis data was collected string
conditions UV Vis conditions object
integration_time The time allowed for the detector to collect photons number
wavelength_range Range of wavelength. Unit: nm object
absorbance_data Data points gather from UV-Vis scan array

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id Article's digital object identifier (DOI) string
date_accessed DOI string
abstract Article abstract string
authors List of author names array
publish_date Date the article was published string
publisher Name of the article's publisher string
downloaded_ip IP address that downloaded the article string
journal Name of the journal that published the article string
title Article title string
main_text Main text for the article object
pdf_location Path to PDF storage location at Iowa State University string
SI Supplementary information object
relevant Whether or not the article is relevant to D3TaLES boolean
last_updated Date this NLP data was last updated string
extracted_molecules List of molecules with associated properties extracted from the paper array

Machine Learning (ML)

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id A unique identifier for the data hashed from identifying properties string
mol_id A unique identifier for the molecule string
submission_info Information about who/when submitted the data object


To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id A unique identifier for the data hashed from identifying properties string
mol_id A unique identifier for the molecule string
submission_info Information about who/when submitted the data object