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Conditions and More


Many backend properties contain the property conditions. This property records the fundamental conditions associated with the recorded data. Each type of backend data has a specific set of conditional properties associated with it.


Molecular DFT Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
code_name Name of code used for DFT calculation string
code_version Version of code used string
functional Functional used for the calculation string
xc_functional_family Exchange-correlation family to which the functional belongs string
basis_set Basis-set used for the calculation string
basis_set_type Type of basis set used string
num_basis_func Number of basis functions integer
tuning_parameter The value of the range correction parameter number
solvent Solvent model used for the calculation object
reference_electrode Reference electrode used string
Periodic DFT Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
electronic_structure_method Electronic structure method used in calculation string
code_name Name of code used for DFT calculation string
code_version Version of code used string
MD Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
code_name Name of code used for DFT calculation string
code_version Version of code used string
solvents Solvent model used for the calculation array


CV Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
working_electrode Working electrode used string
counter_electrode Counter electrode used string
reference_electrode Reference electrode used string
solvent Solvent used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
electrolyte Electrolyte used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
ionic_liquid Ionic liquid used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
instrument Instrument used string
scan_rate Rate of change in potential (V) per second object
num_scans Number of CV scans number
initial_potential Initial potential in volts object
high_e Highest potential in volts object
low_e Lowest potential in volts object
comp_r Comparative resistance (ohm) object
working_electrode_surface_area Surface area of the working electrode object
redox_mol_concentration Concentration of redox molecule being measured object
temperature Temperature of redox solution being measured object
experiment_run_id ExpFlow experiment run uuid string
IR Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
solvent Solvent used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
electrolyte Electrolyte used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
ionic_liquid Ionic liquid used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
instrument Instrument used string
cuvette Cuvette used in UV Vis object
phase Phase of matter in which the experiment was performed string
num_scans Number of IR scans number
technique Technique used (transmission, ATR, IRRAS, PM) and associated parameters None
UV Vis Conditions

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
solvent Solvent used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
electrolyte Electrolyte used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
ionic_liquid Ionic liquid used in experiment. Contains a dictionary with properties name and purity array
instrument Instrument used string
cuvette Cuvette used in UV Vis object
phase Phase of matter in which the experiment was performed string
num_scans Number of UV-Vis scans number

Machine Learning

ML Conditions

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Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
NLP Conditions

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Description Data Type
data_source Type of source from which this data came string
nlp_model Model used to generate this data string
date_generated Date and time data was generated string
doi Article's digital object identifier (DOI) string
line_number line number of extracted property string
parent_sentence sentence from which property is extracted string
notes notes about the extracted property string


Many backend properties contain the property instrument. This is a str entry that records the name of the instrument used to gather the recorded data. An instrument name should correspond to an instrument in teh D3TaLES instrument database. The following tables give the properites that should be recorded for each type of instrument.

CV Instrument

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id Instrument identifier string
serial_number Instrument manufacturing serial identifier string
name Instrument name string
submission_info Info about who submitted the data and how object
working_electrode Working electrode used string
counter_electrode Counter electrode used string
reference_electrode Reference electrode used string
spec_echem_capabilities Spectroscopic capabilities of instrument array
current_range current range in amps object
air_sensitive Whether or not the instrument is air sensitive boolean
available_techniques Descriptions of the techniques available on this instrument string
gain Description of the instrument's gain (sensitivity) string
beamsplitter Description of the type of beamsplitter used string
window Description of the type of window used string
attachments Spectroscopic capabilities of instrument array
IR Instrument

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id Instrument identifier string
serial_number Instrument manufacturing serial identifier string
name Instrument name string
submission_info Info about who submitted the data and how object
detectors List of the detectors available on the instrument array
frequency_range frequency range in cm-1 string
resolution Resolution in cm-1 object
beamsplitter Description of the type of beamsplitter used string
windows Windows available in IR array
attachments List of the attachments available on the instrument array
UV Vis Instrument

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
_id Instrument identifier string
serial_number Instrument manufacturing serial identifier string
name Instrument name string
submission_info Info about who submitted the data and how object
detectors List of the detectors available on the instrument array
wavelength_range wavelength range in cm-1 string
resolution Resolution in cm-1 object
integration_time The time allowed for the detector to collect photons object
cell_material Description of the material used in the cell string
path_length Width of cuvette used (cm) object
air_sensitive Whether or not the instrument is air sensitive boolean
attachments Spectroscopic capabilities of instrument array

Submission Properties

Whenever a file is submitted to the DTaLES database, N Notice that each major set of backend properties contains the property submission_info. This property contains the following sub-properties.

To Visualize the Schema for these properties, click here

Description Data Type
processing_id Fireworks ID for the file processing string
source Source of the data string
author Individual who submits the data string
author_email Email of the individual submitting the data string
upload_time Time and date the data was received string
file_type Type of file data collected from string
data_category Whether the data relates to computation, synthesis, characterization, ML, NLP, etc. string
data_type Which specific type of data within data type (i.e. DFT within Computation) string
all_files_in_zip List of all files uploaded in this submission array
stored_location File path to the location the raw data is stored string
approved Whether the data has been approved by the submitter boolean